The Album
CD Art
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All BigAssRobot Songs!

BigAssRobot is no longer a ridiculous web page with no business model or purpose except to promote a silly name. BigAssRobot is now the name of a musical project — with no business model ... and with the same silly name. Formerly the band Glitch, BigAssRobot does happy little tunes about obsession and revenge.

Our entire album "Man ... That's a BigAssRobot," is here for free download. But wait, there's more! We've also included the cover art and jewell case packaging in pdf format, and a few extras. So you can make your own CD absolutely FREE!

It's a lot like communism, except without the authoritarian overtones, lack of civil liberties, cobbled press, woeful shortage of necessities (like toilet paper). "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."

Sorry. Anyway, you can download all the mp3s you like with no fear of retribution. You can create your own CD, cover art and all, with no fear of reprisal! Wow!

Hear All Our Stuff and See Our Videos Here!

All content copyright BigAssRobot

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